The Ministry Coordinating Committee (MCC) functions as the administrative body for the work of the Ministry section, which is composed of the committees and task groups that are concerned with the spiritual life and pastoral care of the Yearly Meeting.

Functions & Activities

The Coordinating Committee provides guidance and care to its constituent committees and task groups. It receives minutes concerning proposed recording of ministers from monthly meetings, appoints clearness committees regarding these minutes, and takes recommendations to the Yearly Meeting for approval. It administers distributions from the Stevens and Nathaniel Smith Funds.

Organization & Method of Appointment

Each quarterly, half yearly, and regional meeting appoints one member of the Coordinating Committee; Farmington-Scipio appoints two. Following the New York Yearly Meeting guideline, MCC recommends that a Friend is appointed for a three-year term, and may be reappointed for a second consecutive three-year term. The Yearly Meeting names three members at large upon the recommendation of the Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee, one each year for a three-year term. Each committee and task group in the section appoints a representative to the coordinating committee. MCC appoints a clerk and a recording clerk, and other clerks as needed. The clerk or another appointee represents MCC on Sessions and Liaison Committees, and to the Yearly Meeting budget process.

Meeting Times and Places

MCC meets during Spring, Summer, and Fall Sessions, during Coordinating Committee Weekend at Powell House in the spring, and at other times as needed.


The Yearly Meeting Operating Budget provides money for administrative and travel expenses of MCC, and program expenses of constituent committees. Some committees have additional sources of funds as described on their Handbook page.