National Campain for a Peace Tax Fund — NYYM Representatives (2000)

The ability of a government to wage war now relies less on conscripted soldiers and more on drafted dollars to pay for advanced technology. Advanced weapons wreak incredible destruction and death when used to kill in war or in a policy of so-called deterrence. These weapons also kill in another way by denying resources to those most in need.

For more than fifty years, conscientious objectors have been exempt from combat service; how- ever, they are still required to pay taxes to support the military establishment.

The National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund (NCPTF) is a nonprofit advocacy organization working to pass legislation that would establish a way for conscientious objectors to channel their taxes into nonmilitary purposes.

Components of the Campaign include a professional lobbyist, activist networks, a newsletter, and other publications. Associated with the Campaign is the Peace Tax Foundation, whose purpose is educating the public about conscientious objection.

The New York Yearly Meeting is recognized by the Board of Directors of the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund for our endorsement and support of the Campaign and is asked to send a representative ex officio to the board.

Functions of the Representative

The representative attends board meetings and participates in the discussions.

The representative endeavors to inform interested Friends of the relevant issues and state of the progress of the Campaign.

Some vehicles for this are displays at Spring, Summer, and Fall Sessions, interest groups and programs at Summer Sessions, and at quarterly, monthly, or regional meetings, articles in Spark, and responses to inquiries.

Method of Appointment

One representative to the board is appointed by New York Yearly Meeting for a three-year term.

Meeting Times & Places

Twice each year, in the spring and in the fall, the board meets for a two-day session in the Washington, D.C. area.


The Operating Budget includes a line for the expense of the representative.