1506 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19102
In 1937, after years of concerned work to reconnect a fragmented Quaker world, the Second World Conference of Friends created the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) “to act in a consultative capacity to promote better understanding among Friends the world over.”
Today, Friends from yearly meetings and groups in fifty-six nations continue this work. Around the world there are four cooperating, autonomous FWCC Sections serving Africa, the Americas, Asia & the West Pacific, and Europe & the Middle East. FWCC’s World Office is in London.
FWCC’s purpose: The FWCC encourages fellowship among all branches of the Religious Society of Friends. Linking Friends through regional conferences, youth pilgrimages, and coordinated visitations, FWCC’s programs deepen Friends’ faith in God and strengthen our commitment to witness and service in the world.
Yearly meetings are assigned representation on the basis of membership to the Section of the Americas (which includes North, South, and Central America) and to the world organization.
Functions & Activities of Representatives
The representatives act as liaison between the Yearly Meeting and FWCC. They carry Yearly Meeting concerns to FWCC and report back to the Yearly Meeting. This includes an annual written report.
Representatives should attend the annual meeting of the Section of the Americas. Each one is asked to serve on one of the Section’s committees, which meet at the time of the annual meeting and at other times as necessary. Representatives should attend and help in the planning of the annual regional conference, to which all interested Friends are invited. They are asked to make Friends in the Yearly Meeting aware of the need for funds to support FWCC’s work.
Those Friends appointed to attend the world plenary meetings should be prepared to report their experiences to groups in the New York Yearly Meeting area and others within reasonable travel distance.
Organization & Method of Appointment
New York Yearly Meeting is entitled to appoint six representatives to the Section of the Americas. Terms of office begin with the calendar year next following Yearly Meeting appointment, but representatives are encouraged to attend any functions of the Section of the Americas between Yearly Meeting appointment and the first of the year. Appointments are made by the Yearly Meeting for three-year terms, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, and two representatives are appointed each year. Additionally, the Nominating Committee recommends for appointment each year two interested Friends who are not representatives, to support the work of the committee. This makes a total committee membership of twelve.
The committee names a clerk; the clerk or named designee is appointed as FWCC representative to the Nurture Coordinating Committee.
New York Yearly Meeting is entitled to appoint four people from among its representatives to attend the world plenary meetings. If the Nominating Committee is unable to find four of the representatives able to attend, it may nominate other suitable Friends. These appointments are made a year in advance, and names are forwarded to the FWCC London office.
Meeting Times & Places
The annual meeting of the Section of the Americas is held during the spring, usually in North America. At some time, it could be held in Latin America. New York Yearly Meeting is grouped with New England and Philadelphia Yearly Meetings and eastern Canada Friends for an annual regional conference, held in the spring or the fall.
The FWCC Committee meets at the time of Yearly Meeting and Spring and Fall Sessions. Plenary meetings have been held in different parts of the world every three years, but the next one will be in conjunction with a world conference in 2012, five years after the previous one.
New York Yearly Meeting provides for an annual contribution to FWCC, Section of the Americas, in the Operating Budget. The Operating Budget also includes an amount for an accumulating travel pool to aid some of the representatives to the Section annual meeting and to the world plenary sessions.