Note: The Young Friends in Residence program has been laid down. This Handbook page has been retained as an archive page.


Committee Purpose & Objectives

The purpose of this committee is to establish and support a young adult Friends intern program hosted by a monthly and or regional meeting. The interns will design, and facilitate youth conferences, as well as work with the host meeting in ways to be determined by the needs of that meeting.

Functions & Activities

  1. Provide support and networking for the project sites.
  2. Locate and solicit sources of funding.
  3. Receive applications for internship; interview and select interns.

Organization & Method of Appointment

  1. The committee meets primarily by e-mail and conference call.
  2. At least once yearly, the committee will gather to meet in person.

Meeting Times & Places

  1. The Treasurer-Managed Funds include a fund line to be used specifically for YFIR-related intern and youth program expenses. The YFIR Committee approves all distributions of this fund.
  2. The Nurture Section of the NYYM Operating Budget also has a line item to be used specifically for YFIR Committee-related expenses.