Purpose & Objectives
To be a center of community for all Young Friends, that is, Circle of Young Friends (CYF). To help Junior Yearly Meeting (JYM) graduates, young adult seekers, and young members of monthly meetings gain the confidence and energy to become active members of the Religious Society of Friends.
Functions & Activities
The Committee:
- Provides a place of continuity between JYM and New York Yearly Meeting
- Encourages young seekers through the building of community.
- Facilitates the organization of CYF gatherings.
- Produces and circulates the CYF newsletter.
- Provides outreach to young Friends within and outside of New York Yearly Meeting Solicits and distributes money for the CYF Fund.
- Provides valuable experience and information on Quaker process through committee work.
Organization & Method of Appointment
Members are nominated from those who are out of high school, and from eighteen to thirty-five years of age. There is a maximum of twelve members, each serving a two-year term—two classes, six members each. At least two-thirds of the committee total must be Friends. Requesting membership in a Monthly Meeting is encouraged. The officers include clerk, assistant clerk, recording clerk, financial clerk, and historian. Representatives are chosen for Nurture Coordinating Committee, Sessions Committee, and JYM (either staff or committee). Subcommittees include: CYF Fund, Outreach, and CYF Newsletter. At each spring CYF gathering, a nominating committee is appointed to handle all necessary nominations. Those nominations are then brought to NYYM Nominating Committee for consideration.
Meeting Times & Places
The Committee meets at least five times a year: at NYYM Spring, Summer, and Fall Sessions, and at the spring and fall CYF Gatherings.
The NYYM Operating Budget provides funds for committee expenses. The CYF Fund is designated specifically to provide scholarship aid to the wider body of CYF.