Friends United Meeting Personnel Policy
Friends United Meeting
Staffing Policy
FUM presently has a hiring policy that requires all potential employees to sign a statement that affirms their commitment to confine sex to marriage between one man and one woman (i.e., heterosexual and nonpolygamous). FUM is seeking a way forward regarding this policy, given the wide diversity among its constituent yearly meetings—one of which now represents Friends who live in a country that recognizes gay marriage (Canadian Yearly Meeting) and others of which struggle with pockets of polygamous marriages among their members (the African yearly meetings).
The original link to FUM's employent application form posted on the FUM website that includes the following statement:
"Friends United Meeting affirms the civil rights of all people. Staff and volunteer appointments and promotions are made without regard to sex, race, national origin, age, physical disability (when not directly related to job responsibilities or when reasonable accommodation can be made), or sexual orientation. It is expected that intimate sexual behavior should be confined to marriage, understood to be between one man and one woman. "
Note that, when the webmaster revised NYYM web pages in the section of our website concerned with FUM's personnel policy (March 10, 2016), FUM's website was under construction and this form was no longer available.
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