Spark, February 2025 - The New York Yearly Meeting Times
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Share your meeting’s news, announcements, and upcoming events with the rest of the yearly meeting by sending them to News items will appear in Spark, our printed newsletter, and our weekly email newsletter. Want to get Spark in the mail? Email, or call 212-673-5750. Want to receive the weekly update emails? Sign up at
Welcome to Spark Online
The online edition of New York Yearly Meeting's print newsletter
This is the Online Edition of the February 2025 issue of Spark, which you can also as a pdf file.
The New York Yearly Meeting Times
A Special Issue of Spark, Serving the New York Yearly Meeting Community Since 1970
- Scarsdale Friends Bring Holiday Warmth to Those Without Homes, by Susan Weisfeld, Scarsdale Meeting
- NYC Quakers Hold Historic First Retreat, by Ted Bongiovanni, Brooklyn Meeting & NYQM Executive Director
- Annie Oakley, Sharpshooting Quaker, by Mila Chwals Lee, Brooklyn Meeting & Friends Seminary
- The People Are Waking Up, by Lisa Pellegrino, Cornwall Meeting
- Keep Low: Reminders for the daily work, by Lu Harper, Rochester Meeting
- Reflections on 2024 FGC Fall Retreat for Friends of Color, by Gessie Perez, Westbury Meeting
- Taiwan: An Ironic—and Precarious—Oasis of Peace, Equality, and Accountability, by Ian Hansen, Brooklyn Meeting
- The First Amendment Is Not a Quaker Testimony, by Ron Hogan, Flushing Meeting - Article is available ONLINE ONLY
- A Tender Time Makes Great Tinder for the Last Flames of Life, Review by Carl Blumenthal, Brooklyn Meeting
- Report from the Quiet Committee (QC), by Mary Beth W. DiMarco, Syracuse Meeting
- James Earl Carter, Jr. (October 1, 1924 – December 29, 2024), by Dr. Joseph Olejak, Old Chatham Meeting
- Crossword Puzzle, by Emily Provance, 15th Street Meeting
- Crossword Puzzle Answer Key
Around Our Yearly Meeting
- Editor's Note
- News:
- Query for State of Meeting Reports
- Celebrating Jim Atwell
- Notices
- Upcoming Events
- Online Worship
- Opportunities
Editor's Note
I hope you enjoy the first (and possibly last) issue of the NYYM Times newspaper. Many thanks to the contributors who bravely shared their work.
You, too, can submit items to Spark. Spark accepts articles of 400-600 words, artwork, photos, poetry, shorter news items and announcements, and letters to the editor.
Upcoming Spark themes:
May 2024: Memories of Remarkable Friends
At Quaker Memorial Meetings we celebrate the lives of the amazing Friends we have known through stories and ministry shared by those present. This issue is a chance to share those stories beyond a Memorial Meeting. Let’s get inspired by the lives great Friends have lived!
Submissions are due by April 1 to
Please send your meeting’s news and upcoming events for the NYYM weekly email update or Spark to Join NYYM's weekly email list at
NYYM is on Facebook (NewYorkYearlyMeeting) and Instagram (newyorkyearlymeeting).
In unity and community,
Sarah Way, NYYM
Communications Director
New Members
- Kaya, Dalia, and Mila Chwals — Brooklyn
- Matthew Turner — Brooklyn
- Sara Moore — Rochester
- Anne Collins transferred from Stillwater, OK to Saratoga, NY, Oct. 6
- Linette Jenkins from Quaker Hill, St. Mary, Jamaica, to New Brunswick, NJ, Oct. 20
- Mary-Kay Belant — Syracuse
Query for State of Meeting Reports
The State of Society query is intended for all meetings, worship groups (unprogrammed, pastoral, prison etc.) and at-large members of the yearly meeting. By responding to this query you help us to reflect on how Spirit moves among us.
What is shaping your spiritual life and how are you being led to respond?
Meetings and individuals are asked to return responses by April 15, 2024, to
Celebrating Jim Atwell
F/friends celebrated with Jim Atwell on his 86th birthday on 8/17/24 at the Fly Creek Grange, just down the lane from where Jim and his late wife, Anne, lived for so many years. The occasion was coordinated by Deb Dickinson and other friends and neighbors and featured funny and moving stories, singing, a pot luck, and general merriment. Jim is remembered for his neighborliness, humor, and deep spirituality. Among the 60 plus in attendance was the mayor of Cooperstown, who read a proclamation recognizing Jim’s long time involvement in the betterment of the community, and declaring it “Jim Atwell Day.”
— Anita Paul, Schenectady Meeting
Upcoming Events
The next gathering of New York Yearly Meeting for business will be Spring Sessions. See for more information.
Winter Meeting for Discernment
March 1, 2025
Meetings for Discernment are periods of extended, waiting worship and deep listening to discern leadings and strengthen connections in our yearly meeting. At the Winter 2025 Meeting for Discernment, we will be seeking Light collectively in extended worship and deep listening using these queries:
How do we welcome and share the experiential essence of Quakerism with the people who are newly coming to our meetings to assure that they are receiving the spiritual part of our faith tradition as well as the visible witness part of our tradition? How do we deepen the spiritual lives of those in the community?
Register at
NYYM Summer Sessions 2025
The dates and location for Summer Sessions 2025 have not been finalized. It will likely take place at Oakwood at the end of July. Details will be announced via the Weekly Update email, on the website, and in the May Spark. To join the Weekly Update list, visit
Powell House Workshops
Powell House is the retreat and conference center for NYYM. Visit to register or call 518-794-8811.
From Sorrow to Celebration: Cultivating Lament and Joy in our Journey
March 21-23, 2025
With Lynette Davis. Join us as we embark on a journey of self-expression and a deeper exploration of how we understand both lament and joy in our lives.
Stepping Forward Faithfully: Answering the Call and Becoming the Solution
April 25-April 27, 2025
With Lu Harper and Anne Pomeroy.In this retreat we will explore our call today to live in ways that demonstrate justice, integrity, inclusion, equality and wholeness. We will deepen our understanding of individual and systemic barriers to faithfulness.
Prophetic messages call us individually and collectively to turn back to the Truth and move into new patterns of being. The prophetic experience of early Friends led to and committed them to building a new social order based in truth, equality, and justice. We will explore ways in which our faithfulness can be supported by our communities today.
For Young Adults
Children, Youth and Young Adult Community Director Beth Kelly maintains a list of upcoming YAF events at
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Spring Lobby Weekend
March 22-25, 2025, in Washington, DC and online
Join FCNL at Spring Lobby Weekend, the yearly young adult lobbying conference, and lobby Congress to prevent millions of people from losing healthcare and food assistance. Visit Register for in-person lobbying by March 3, 2025.
For Children & Teens
Powell House Youth Conferences
Visit to register or call 518-794-8811.
Secret Ingredients: 6th-8th Grade, February 28-March 2, 2025
How do we show our love for others? How do we like to be shown that people love us? What ingredients are essential for healthy relationships (friendships, family, or romantic connections)? At this conference we will discuss these questions and figure out key ingredients for happy, healthy ways of connecting. We will spend the weekend cooking delicious heartfelt concoctions and add plenty of love to fill our bellies.
Sticky Situations: 9th-12th Grade, March 28-30, 2025
Relationships are all around us. From our classmates, to our family, to our friends, to our Powell House community. How do we relate to the people (and communities and living things) around us? What can we learn from different models about the way we connect to each other and support each other?
Creativity! 6th-8th Grade, April 25-27, 2025
Creativity is a gift that everyone can share! At Powell House, we believe that creativity isn’t about being perfect—it’s about expressing yourself and having fun! This weekend, we’ll explore all kinds of creative activities like drawing, writing, dancing, making piñatas, and more. No experience or special skills needed—just bring your curiosity and an open heart! Come join us for a weekend full of art, fun, and connection with Friends.
Wiggle & Think: 4th-5th Grade, May 9-11, 2025
When is the last time you wiggled or giggled? Stuck in a chair all day is a drag. What movements does your body, heart, and mind need to feel free? Is there spirituality in movement? Let’s explore looking inward at what we think about all of the ways, places, and spaces we move and groove. We will explore different ways of moving our bodies with dance, games, improv, and more. We will be having lots of fun with old and new friends!
EarthSong 2025: 7th-12th Grade, May 23-25, 2025
EarthSong is a time of celebration and care for our community. It includes our annual send-off ceremony for our seniors as they enter a new phase of life. You can expect deep conversation, fun activities, and joyful games. We hope you join us for this warm and vibrant conference!
Online Worship
Many of the local meetings in New York Yearly Meeting are holding online or hybrid online-and-in-person meetings for worship every week. Visit for the most up-to-date information.
Quaker Job Openings
These Quaker organizations often have job openings. Check their websites for current opportunities:
Friends General Conference:
American Friends Service Committee: