Quaker Resources: Aging Concerns

Organizations and Facilities

ARCH—Aging Resources, Consultation and Help
    NYYM's extraordinary program with three coordinators and dozens of Visitors across the Yearly Meeting

Quaker Aging Resources website
    A collaborative project of NYYM and Philadelphia YM providing Spirit-centered resources and information

Quaker retirement facilities
    Links and brief introductions to facilities in our region

NYYM Aging Concerns Committee
    The page of the NYYM's Aging Concerns Committee


Print resources on Aging:

Available from quakerbooks.org.

  • Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser, Lewis Richmond; $22.50.
  • Some Thoughts on becoming Eighty-five, William Z. Shetter; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #418; $6.50.
  • This Is Who I Am: Listening with Older Friends, the Committee on Eldership and Oversight of Britain Yearly Meeting;l $10.
  • Without Nightfall Upon the Spirit, Mary Morrison; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #311; $6.50.
  • You Must Live a Dying Life: Reflections on Human Mortality and the Spiritual Life, Tom Gates; $4.
  • On Retiring to Kendal (and Beyond): A Literary Excursion, Peter Bien; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #368; $6.50.
  • The Making of an Elder Culture: Reflections on the Future of America’s Most Audacious Generation, Theodore Roszak; $18.95.