NYYM Publications
New York Yearly Meeting (NYYM) publishes the following publications. Fuller descriptions of these publications appear below the list of links.
Spark—the print newsletter of New York Yearly Meeting. See below for an introduction.
InfoShare—NYYM's digital newsletter. See below for an introduction.
Yearbooks—annual books of record for NYYM. See below for an introduction.
Handbooks—guides for the yearly meeting's committees and operations.
- The Handbook of the yearly meeting, comprised of the charge, constitution, and financing of the yearly meeting's committees.
- The Spring/Fall Sessions Handbook (pdf), which regional meetings use to guide their hosting of the yearly meeting's Spring and Fall Sessions when held in their region.
Documents of the yearly meeting
- Minutes of the yearly meeting's sessions.
- State of Society Reports, written annually and presented at Summer Sessions.
- Epistles written annually from Summer Sessions and sent "to Friends everywhere."
- NYYM Annual Reports—annual repoerts distributed at the end of each year highlighting the yearly meeting's activities during the year.
- Reports from the general secretary and the Meetings for Discernment.
- Minutes of conscience approved by the gathered body of the yearly meeting.
- Memorial minutes—minutes recorded by the yearly meeting celebrating the life of Friends who were active in the yearly meeting.
- Minutes of travel and servivce—minutes endorsing the ministries of Friends traveling or serving under a leading.
Faith & Practice—New York Yearly Meeting's book-length statement of faith and guidelines for corporate practice.
- Marrying Under the Care of the Meeting—a guide for local meetings holding weddings.
- Recording Gifts in Ministry—a guide for local meetings.
Spark is New York Yearly Meeting's print newsletter published five times a year and sent to our regular mailing list in January, March, May, September, and November; we also publish a digital version here.
We publish artices by members of the yearly Meeting, usually around a theme. The March, May, and September issues also include registration and other information in preparation for Spring, Summer, and Fall Sessions respectively.
Deadlines for submission of news and articles: the 7th of the month preceeding the month of publication.
InfoShare is our digital newsletter, published six times a year between issues of Spark: in February, April, June, Summer (on Friday of Summer Sessions), October, and December. We publish InfoShare on the Yearly Meeting website and distribute an email to our email list with links to the InfoShare web page and to its individual items.
Deadlines for submission of news items: the first of the month of publication.
Each year after Summer Sessions in October, we publish a Yearbook in both print and online formats comprising the official record of the yearly meeting's business for the year. The Yearbooks include:
- the minutes of its sessions;
- the annual reports of its committees;
- the annual budget, the treasurer's report for the year, and reports from the Trustees on the funds they manage;
- the annual statistical report;
- the Friends under appointment to yearly meeting committees by committee;
- officers and contact information for the local meetings and worship groups in the yearly meeting; and
- a directory of all the Friends under appointment to yearly meeting committees; note that this directory is not published online.
NYYM Handbook
The Handbook describes the charge and other particulars for alll the committees of the Yearly Meeting.
Handbook—Spring & Fall Sessions
This document describes everything a regional meeting's host committee needs to know to host Spring or Fall Sessions.
Faith and Practice
Faith and Practice is New York Yearly Meeting's basic guide to our beliefs and practices. It also the structure of the Yearly Meeting and provides some history and other resources related to Quakers and New York Yearly Meeting.
Marrying under the Care of a Meeting
This pamphlet-sized document provides guidelines for both meetings and couples considering marriage under the care of the meeting.
Recording Gifts in Ministry
This a pamphlet-sized document provides guidelines for recording a Friends gifts in ministry.