NYYM Budget Process

The budget process

All committees, groups or persons undertaking fundraising or spending within the Yearly Meeting, to the extent consistent with the directions and limits of any gifts or trust instruments, will coordinate their fundraising and spending activities with the Financial Services Committee so as to jointly further the implementation of the Leadings and Priorities.

  1. Early February after Coordinating Weekend: Financial Services requests estimated expenses for following year from Coordinating Committee Clerks and Revenue from NYYM Assistant Treasurer, Trustees Treasurer and Development Committee. As described in step II below, Financial Services will describe for Monthly Meetings how these expenditures will further the Leadings and Priorities. The coordinating committees are requested to relate the proposed expenditures to the Leadings and Priorities.
  2. Early March: Letter is sent to Monthly Meetings describing the new initiatives identified by the Coordinating Committees and how these expenditures further the Leadings and Priorities and including the most recent Program Budget. The Monthly Meetings will be requested to comment on the proposed initiatives and the ongoing work described in the Program Budget. Meetings will be requested to submit their comments by late June.
  3. Mid July: prepare revenue and expense estimate not including Covenant Donations and summarize comments from Monthly Meetings.
  4. Yearly Meeting (Summer Sessions): Review, comments from Monthly Meetings and revenue and expense estimates, decide on level of Covenant Donation Request. Discuss content of Covenant Donation Letter.
  5. Early August: Draft of Covenant Donation letter.
  6. Late August: Mail Covenant Donation Letter.
  7. Sept – October: Follow up on Covenant Donations.
  8. Late October: Budget Saturday finalize proposed Budget.
  9. Fall Sessions: Present Budget on Saturday, Make Revisions, Approval of Budget.


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