Nominating Committee Survey

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Nominating Committee Survey of Committee Service


The New York Yearly Meeting Nominating Committee would like to receive your feedback concerning those things that encourage or discourage your participation in committee work. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following questionnaire. There may be those who are unaware of the function of the nominating committee. Following is the description of the responsibilities of the NYYM Nominating Committee from Faith and Practice (page 107, 2001 edition):

The Nominating Committee recommends the names of Friends for all yearly meeting appointments. They prepare most nominations for action at yearly meeting sessions. They make nominations to fill vacancies at the first opportunity to either yearly or representative meeting.

  1. What was the first committee you served on and why?
  2. What committees have you served on: monthly, quarterly or regional, and yearly?
  3. To which monthly, quarterly and/or regional meetings do you belong?
  4. Are you a member or an attender?
  5. What types of challenges have you faced in your committee work?
  6. What type of support did you receive?
  7. Are there additional supports you would recommend?
  8. What advice would you give prospective committee members?
  9. What advice would you give to your nominating committee?
  10. How has committee service affected your understanding or appreciation for Quaker worship and process?
  11. What gifts do you perceive in yourself that might lead to service on a NYYM committee?

Thank you for participating in our survey.


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