Bolivian Quaker Education Fund
About Bolivian Quaker Education Fund (BQEF)
BQEF grew from two distinct roots, the missionary work of evangelical Quakers from Northwest and Central (Indiana) Yearly Meetings, starting in 1920, and the Quaker Study Tour series, beginning in 1995 with British Friends led by Pam and Ken Barratt, through which numerous liberal Quakers from the UK and US became acquainted with Bolivia and Friends there. BQEF sprouted from these roots in 2001 when Newton Garver of Buffalo Meeting (New York Yearly Meeting) and Bernabé Yujra entered into substantial discussions about how to improve educational opportunities for young Bolivian Friends.
The primary purpose of BQEF is to strengthen ties between Andean Quakers and those of North America and Europe. This is done through programs that enhance the educational opportunities of Andean Friends and nurture their service work, bring apprentice teachers to work in North American and European, and other eforts to bring this work to the attention of Friends in North America and Europe.
Link to the Committee's Handbook page.
Resources for Members and Clerks of NYYM Committees
Guidelines for Committee Service—Relevant sections from the yearly meeting Handbook on committe membership and committee clerking.
Guide for Committee Clerks—A resource packet designed to make clerking a NYYM committee easier.
Coordinating Committee Timeline—A guide to the year's tasks for coorcinating committee clerks.
Accountability Queries—Queries for use by committees and the coordinating committees for considering the spiritual state of the yearly meeting's committees.