Young Adult Spiritual Nurture Series - What is Discernment? Quaker Decision-Making in the 21st Century

Sunday, February 24, 2019 - 10:00am
Poughkeepsie Monthly Meeting
249 Hooker Ave
12603 Poughkeepsie , NY


One-Day Mini Retreat: What is Discernment? Quaker Decision-Making in the 21st Century
Date: February 24, 2019 (Following Meeting for Discernment on Saturday)
Location: Poughkeepsie Monthly Meeting, Poughkeepsie, NY


Meetings for Discernment are an ongoing experiment in extended worship of New York Yearly Meeting—two periods of silent, waiting worship held twice a year, each lasting more than the usual one hour, with some interval of time between them. This year's winter Meeting for Discernment is February 23. We invite you to join us in extended worship on Saturday and then for a day of reflection and learning about discernment on Sunday. It is not required for you to attend both events. We will explore the history and purpose of discernment and Quaker decision-making and we will explore ways that this history informs and translates into the 21st Century. Register here.


For details about the this, and other events in the Young Adult Spiritual Nurture Series, visit